Did Leopard Rush to Make the Holiday Vista Missed?

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Noobie Pro
Back in June, I suggested that Apple's Leopard introduced numerous features—at least the concepts—found in Windows Vista. But in one way, Apple didn't copy Microsoft: getting its operating system to market for the holidays. Maybe Apple should have copied that, too.

Read the articles, quire many valid points.

Source - Microsoft Watch


Download Folder | Downloads Folder

Holy Cow! This is not copying. This is common sense. What would have El Jobso named it? Trash Perhaps! Not Upload folder I mean. Download /downloads folder is the obvious name.


Aspiring Novelist
Look at the source. Just visit the website. What right does such an obviously biased site have to review Leopard?

I've never seen a Windows Vista review on Macworld or The Unofficial Apple Weblog.


Web developer
^^ Biased? The author has also written pro-Mac articles & this website has articles which has slammed MS too. I didn't expect such a reply from you. Wait a minute... On a second note, I expected, afterall what to expect from a Mac fanatic?
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Noobie Pro
aryayush said:
Look at the source. Just visit the website. What right does such an obviously biased site have to review Leopard?

I've never seen a Windows Vista review on Macworld or The Unofficial Apple Weblog.

They are Microsoft Watch, not "We Love Microsoft". They keep a tab on the complete MS sphere, which includes MS's competitors, factors which will eventually influence MS and their users etc. Not like MacWorld which simply limits itself to the "World of the Mac", nothing other than Mac allowed. MW criticizes MS, Keeps a check on what all is happening at MS. No reason why they should be biased! Or, if you would like to judge something just by the name and the outer surface without knowing the internals or the reasoning, you would know better :rolleyes:


Aspiring Novelist
LOL! eWeek (funded by Microsoft) tells you that Leopard's security sucks, MSNBC (owned by Microsoft) sells you the idea of not buying an iPod to be different from the crowd and Microsoft Watch (obviously biased in their favour) gives you a review of Leopard that says it is slower than Tiger.

Doesn't anyone notice a trend here? :rolleyes:

Watching Microsoft does not entail reviewing Leopard. A news story about the launch of Leopard is expected; two full blown slam-bam reviews of Leopard just proves plain and obvious bias.

As for criticising Microsoft, that they have to do. When Microsoft stealthily installs Windows Genuine "Advantage" on other people's computers that sometimes screws with their legally purchased copies or when they release an OS upgrade after five years that is riddled with useless security prompts, no self-respecting publication can get away with praising that, no matter how biased they are.

Get real, dudes. Start using some common sense.


Web developer
aryayush said:
As for criticising Microsoft, that they have to do. When Microsoft stealthily installs Windows Genuine "Advantage" on other people's computers that sometimes screws with their legally purchased copies or when they release an OS upgrade after five years that is riddled with useless security prompts, no self-respecting publication can get away with praising that, no matter how biased they are.

Get real, dudes. Start using some common sense.

WGA screws legal copies? Perhaps you have used a crack to make a pirated copy look genuine and now you are calling it legal & WGA screwed it. Also those security prompts in Windows Vista are not useless.

But why am I telling this to you? Its of no use. Buddy stop being a fanatic, look outside that Mac world(I would call you 'Kuaen Ka Daddu :p ) Appreciate other things. Appreciate good efforts by MS & Linux distros! Apple & every other company releases better upgrades because they have competition.

I know this post wont stop you from bashing MS ;) But anyway, I tried!


Noobie Pro
MW points to the apple forums, to no doubt the MS paid guys have not invaded the apple forums, supported by loads and loads of other people to increase the size of the threads!! Man MS is invading, runnnnnn....

All he does is make comparisions between Vista and Leopard at the time of their launches, which seem same. In one of the articles, i read that even one of Apple's former director or something was not happy with Leopard, so obviously he has been paid by MS now!

Acc to your logic, anything related to MS and criticizing APPL is biased? huh pretty smart man!


Aspiring Novelist
alsiladka said:
All he does is make comparisions between Vista and Leopard at the time of their launches, which seem same
Same? SAME! I don't see anyone clamouring for a downgrade, nor do I see anyone giving Leopard a bad review apart from this MW nonsense. CNet, Computerworld, Houston Chronicle, Laptop Magazine, Macworld, Mercury News, The New York Times, PC Magazine, The Telegraph, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and The Washington Times have given Leopard an excellent review and most of them hold the opinion that this is a much better and smoother upgrade than Vista was. Those are important and respected publications (even if you want to strike off Macworld from the list). It is their (and my and Milind's and the millions of other satisfied Mac users') opinion against Microsoft Watch's. :lol:

alsiladka said:
Acc to your logic, anything related to MS and criticizing APPL is biased?
Yeah, pretty much.


^ LoL arya... thanks....

But wat exactly i meant to say was... Why Microsoft-Watch, watches for lagging Apple's Moment... while it leads a leap ahead :D


Noobie Pro
Gigacore said:
can any one tell me why Microsoft-Watch... watches Apple's Moves ? :rolleyes:

Because apple is MS's competitor, so it does affect MS. Makes sense to me, hope you expand your mindset.


Web developer
Offtopic. Sorry.

aryayush said:
It is their (and my and Milind's and the millions of other satisfied Mac users') opinion against Microsoft Watch's. :lol:

my and Milind's? Arya, what happened to your English? :rolleyes:


Console Junkie
I have a question to all those who are bashing one OS for another, how many have actually used the both (or whatever number under consideration) OSes? (I dunno.. It's just a question)


Aspiring Novelist
The answer is one. Only one of all the people posting in this thread has actually used both operating systems for a very long time and that person is not bashing any OS or company.


Noobie Pro
I am nowhere bashing any OS or company. All i am doing is posting articles from other sites and blogs. If you choose to give them any value, your choice, if not, again your choice.
Personally, my next notebook shall be a MacPro along with a Vista installation. But to monetary constrains, i dont see it happen for the next 2 years atleast! I am a student and my current book solves all my purposes :( A bloody 1.4ghz celeron
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