Cannot play PUBG Mobile on Asia server (Tencent Emulator)

Under server selection it shows good pings for Asia, like around 70ms and for Europe and NA its around 200ms
I can play in Europe and NA servers, a bit delay but playable...
But SOMETIMES when i play in Asia i am stuck in a loop of LOADING SCREEN leading to a "DO you want to join the Match again".. This goes on for 3-4 times till i get No Server Response.
During the loading screen i can hear my team mates talk. They cant hear me though..

Plus why does MalwareByte detect the Tancent Emulator as something malicious? Screenshot attached

Cant be internet problem because i can still play in other servers. This issue started after the Winter season go over. Usually happens at night. My internet is fine, youtube streaming properly, can also play DOTA lag free..

PS. I even disabled Malwarebytes.. I also Repaired SD and Cleared Cache... relogged through facebook.. still the problem persists.


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