Can we share exchange uplay/origin accounts


Hello all.. I was wondering if we can share our uplay/origin accounts. So that one can try out some games one has nevered played before. He/she is interested to try out before actually making the purchase. Obviously it should be done with caution and trust. But wont it be great for some who has few gamer friends in his/her own locality, area to do the same via forum with say some well known members who wants to do the same.. I am not aware of the legal facts in this matter. Some might say its against law or so.. I dont know if its against forum rules. If so i am very sorry. Besides i have very few time to game on.. What ever time i can manage i am stuck with Overwatch and Rocket league. Past few months i have given my uplay account and origin account to a member in another forum.. With games like far cry primal, bf4, etc..
So my point here is when i was a college going guy i had very few bucks left to buy a game.. I was getting my games from a local guy.. Obviously the beep ones..Same issue might arise with someone who dont have or wont get that much pocket money to buy one.. Now i buy games whatever it maybe. Infact got the ones to which i once played long back by p*r*t*n* But yes i would love to play games if i could from a friend who would have shared his library. Almost same thing happens with ps4/xbox discs. But since pc games are account locked. So theres no other way. Lastly i think if say someone tries to scam then too he cant since we can always retrieve the account from the original mail account of the owner by resetting the password..
Anyways let me know what you guys think.. Its just a chit chat.. I am not saying we should. Just want to know how many of you feel this should happen..
Lastly i support devs and i buy games.. And encourage all to do the same..
Spare me if i am wrong somewhere or wrong the entire post.
Just want to know what you fellow members think.
Will you buy for honour for 3k?
I will wait for price drop which might take a year. Or will you play from a friends account who doesn't game much or have completed the game..??

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