Calcutta Hardware Vendor Feedback Forum

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Broken In
No I bought a 2000 RPM CM 120mm Blue Led fan & it was Rs. 500 from M.D. Computers.

Your sys will consume around 290W so I would recommend you buying Corsair VX450W :p

For the prices look at thunder.02dragon post :p

I have a 600 VA UPS only for my CPU, Modem and speakers (not my old 19" CRT monitor). Would it be efficient to provide acceptable backup??? Would I need a new one? If so then recommend a cheap but good one like Microtek.

A little change, make it VX450 and my cabinet to CM 690. Tell me these prices please. BTW, you are a retailer, where is your shop?

What is the price difference between Corsair and Zion rams. Any advantages for paying more because I have used Zion rams for my entire life and never got any problems. Please also tell me the cost of Zion 2Gb DDR2 rams


Zion Rams have 3years warranty and are good rams
Corsair Have 10years warranty are also world Famous....still as Corsair has its Service center here I sell Corsair..not Zions(from Zion I get offers still I dont sell those also those are costly)
Corsair VX450 - 4000/-
CM 690 - W/Transparent - 4700/-
CM 690 With Transparent - 5100/- (This is too much fluctuating)

Actually I run Kolkata's only IT Shopping POrtal Exodus Technologies


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Staff member
I have a 600 VA UPS only for my CPU, Modem and speakers (not my old 19" CRT monitor). Would it be efficient to provide acceptable backup??? Would I need a new one? If so then recommend a cheap but good one like Microtek.

A little change, make it VX450 and my cabinet to CM 690. Tell me these prices please. BTW, you are a retailer, where is your shop?

What is the price difference between Corsair and Zion rams. Any advantages for paying more because I have used Zion rams for my entire life and never got any problems. Please also tell me the cost of Zion 2Gb DDR2 rams

You don't need to buy a new UPS. Your current UPS is enough :p


Broken In
I have been reading benchmarking reviews on Zotak, Palit and XFX 9600GT 512MB DDR3 gfx cards. I have noticed that with Palit gfx cards, we get better fps than XFX and Zotak cards. But it is cheaper than both Zotak and XFX cards. I agree that XFX gives 5 years warranty whereas Palit gives 2, but who uses the same gfx card for more than 2 years. So we don't actually need warranty more than 2-3 yrs. So is it better to get Palit cards than XFX cards???

For the reviews, go here


Please give it a look.


Back to school!!
I have been reading benchmarking reviews on Zotak, Palit and XFX 9600GT 512MB DDR3 gfx cards. I have noticed that with Palit gfx cards, we get better fps than XFX and Zotak cards. But it is cheaper than both Zotak and XFX cards. I agree that XFX gives 5 years warranty whereas Palit gives 2, but who uses the same gfx card for more than 2 years. So we don't actually need warranty more than 2-3 yrs. So is it better to get Palit cards than XFX cards???

For the reviews, go here


Please give it a look.
In India Palit, XFX and Zotac all give 3 yrs warranty. Palit is best in terms of pricing and performance.


To correct you Tkin...Palit now gives 2years..XFX 3years on card but 1year On FAN and Zotac 3years+2years extended warranty......

So whats your final rig...when u be buyng??


Back to school!!
To correct you Tkin...Palit now gives 2years..XFX 3years on card but 1year On FAN and Zotac 3years+2years extended warranty......

So whats your final rig...when u be buyng??
I just went to Tirupati, they said Palit gives 3yrs, and Powercolor gives 2yrs, is your monitor section up yet?
Need quotes on Samsung T190, T220.


Broken In
So guys, this is my final rig:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 [3.0 GHz (6MB L2 cache 3.0Ghz 1333MHz)]
MSI P45 Neo - F [Intel P45 Chipset 1333 FSB]
Palit 9600GT 512MB DDR3 256Bit
Corsair VX450
Cooler Master CM 690 W/O Transparent side panel
Corsair XMS2 DDR2 2GB 800 Mhz x 2

Total comes to around 32.5K. Some changes can be made on spot like buying VX550 or Cooler Master CM 690 With Transparent Side panel. If you guys can spot any changes within an insignificant rise (1K) of budget, do tell me.

There are a lot of parts where prices are not mentioned. Please add the prices and I have been using that site for two months for monitoring the prices of various parts, the site's great.

To all, can you guys tell me if there is any expected drop of prices during or after the pujas? I am dying to buy my new rig but dad tells me to wait till the pujas.


After puja prices wont be low...RAM Prices are increasing day by day also the Card prices will judge your buy....
@1k higher Transparent will be possible not the VX 550...sold today VX550 for 5700/-+ there is no VX550 in stock... I have 1nly..
RAM prices went high by 50-100 bucks

frm wher u b buyn nd what site?? :O


So guys, this is my final rig:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 [3.0 GHz (6MB L2 cache 3.0Ghz 1333MHz)]
MSI P45 Neo - F [Intel P45 Chipset 1333 FSB]
Palit 9600GT 512MB DDR3 256Bit
Corsair VX450
Cooler Master CM 690 W/O Transparent side panel
Corsair XMS2 DDR2 2GB 800 Mhz x 2

Total comes to around 32.5K. Some changes can be made on spot like buying VX550 or Cooler Master CM 690 With Transparent Side panel. If you guys can spot any changes within an insignificant rise (1K) of budget, do tell me.

There are a lot of parts where prices are not mentioned. Please add the prices and I have been using that site for two months for monitoring the prices of various parts, the site's great.

To all, can you guys tell me if there is any expected drop of prices during or after the pujas? I am dying to buy my new rig but dad tells me to wait till the pujas.

Its just a piece of advice ,
1>kindly wait after puja, prices will fall after 10-15 days of puja,its correct that today RAM prices went up, VX550 is short supply but u can get it if u give order for sure(200% sure) .

2>i know sounds irritating but the particular MSI board is really not that good,if u are not sure go with Intel board ,at least u will be safe(No OC),u may take a look DG45ID.

3>cabinet -u may try CM NV-334 around 2100-2500,and will save some money,VX450 is excellent,Corsair XMS2 DDR2 is excellent,with the cabinet money u can invest in either on grapics card (XFX 250 GTS)or a good cpu cooler or a creatve 2.1 Inspire. or a good gaming keyboard and mouse.

4>Please personally go to chadni and fetch the prices from different shops,if u buy everything from one shop there is a high chance that 80% goods are good price and 20% are Inflated price,thats the regular business.

5>Please dont get carried away by the sellers tone.stick to what u have planed to buy.Use your brain and not sweet words.

6>have patience,it might happen that ur product is not available , dont get carried away by emotion , search other shops if not available give order and wait till u get exactly what u wanted.

7>Ur config is good,have faith in yourself.

Exodus Technologies 's quoted are good but there is a flaw,i wont mention it as its his personal quotes and business.thunder.02dragon - please dont take any offence,inconvineance regreated.Personal apology.:-( however other prices are good.

Raptor1989, ur config is good,invest wisely,u may also go any buy ur pc any time, i am not asking to wait till puja, its absolutely ur choice.:)




Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ CM690 has the best air circulation in yit's class & price range. With 7 fans it's really one hell of a good cabby. So if he can afford that he should stick with that.

He can go for a CM690 & a 9800GT.

But your suggestion on GTS250 & a little bit cheap cabby is not that bad too :p

MSi P45 neo is that bad - it's better than intel original boards :p ( you can take my word for that as 2 of friends are using this one since Frb 2009 )


@ fatacore
Nice post buddy really liked this kinda post...I used to post these kind when I m a retailer :D

VX550 is not available for sure right now...If I dont get It buddy no one can...Have you seen my site?? There are many products that shops don't Have it..Still u might get lucky if someone stocks VX550

Intel boards are crap....less features and less performance...MSI is not that good in know na that Gigabyte has awesome stability+features+performance...Buy Gigabyte not intel or Asus...
Top OCers prefer Gigabyte over any other Boards....

Your point 2 is good still 690 is best in its class....nothing beats its features...cabling etc etc...

GTS250 is not that good to consider insted spending on 260...however raptor wont be buyn that... :D

Corsair XMS2 is not that good in OCingg Im stuck on 960MHz cani OC more... ;( damn these...OCZ is there but already overvolted ones ;(

9800GT is not more performing than 9600GT still can consider....

raptor there might be flaw but still I think I am giving the best and services...

Who does home delivery?
Who gives you so much wide choices of products?
Will any shop try to get your custom ordering?
Does any shops keeps High end??
All these are not with me and a very reasonable price...
Its true I am giving you opportunity to shop just with few maket all the shopping are tiresome etcetc not necessary to mention...

But for that might seem odd..

Never mind this is a new way of Bussiness...

I hop I might be Newegg of Kolkata one day...

You guys just keep on supporting Me... thats all I want...already topgear helping me...

TY topgear

hav fun buddies
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good mornng to u buddy,i 100% agree on Gigabyte board because i personally use gigabyte.

Actually i have some problem with MSI,My uncle purchased MSI and fried his RAM the very first install,since then i have a doubt on MSI,I suggested Intel just in case our friend get confused on boards.Else as topgear says its fine that mean its fine(I have faith in him).

However your motherboard is straight overpriced, however its ur business,u can do it bro.

9800gt has some problem and bug and was quickly upgraded to GTS 250(Please note its not GTX).....So if some1 intends to buy 9800gt its better GTS250.....However no comparison with GTX 260 class and above.(Personally surveyed in XFX Distributer shop in Chadni).

XMS2 800 is worth buying than other available rams in the market(Personally surveyed in more than 13 shops in CHadni).

VX550 was not available but its just a day or two when it will be available.

I personally liked the prices u quoted its really good but not the motherboad.

For High End Config Raptor1989 may check, VEDANT,EASTERN LOGICA,BERLIA,SUPREME in Chadni Chowk.

thunder.02dragon, the only problem is money,else who cares? hi hi hi...All i suggested is that raptor1989 can save few buks and improve his machine under his hood.
that all,Its absolutely my opinion,please dont take any offence.if i hadd that money i would have done that.So the advice is absolute mine .

Last but not the least,I support u too and its really good to have u in such a class forum.No doubt u can be the NEWEGG in Kolkata.:) Hats off buddy.

with Best regards,


thanks thunder.02dragon for maintaining such a good site in the heart of kolkata,can u kindly give your shop address ,I would definitely visit your shop. It would be great to meet u in person.:)
However i would like to see more products in your website in days to come.
With Best regards,


Broken In
good mornng to u buddy,i 100% agree on Gigabyte board because i personally use gigabyte.

Actually i have some problem with MSI,My uncle purchased MSI and fried his RAM the very first install,since then i have a doubt on MSI,I suggested Intel just in case our friend get confused on boards.Else as topgear says its fine that mean its fine(I have faith in him).

However your motherboard is straight overpriced, however its ur business,u can do it bro.

9800gt has some problem and bug and was quickly upgraded to GTS 250(Please note its not GTX).....So if some1 intends to buy 9800gt its better GTS250.....However no comparison with GTX 260 class and above.(Personally surveyed in XFX Distributer shop in Chadni).

XMS2 800 is worth buying than other available rams in the market(Personally surveyed in more than 13 shops in CHadni).

VX550 was not available but its just a day or two when it will be available.

I personally liked the prices u quoted its really good but not the motherboad.

For High End Config Raptor1989 may check, VEDANT,EASTERN LOGICA,BERLIA,SUPREME in Chadni Chowk.

thunder.02dragon, the only problem is money,else who cares? hi hi hi...All i suggested is that raptor1989 can save few buks and improve his machine under his hood.
that all,Its absolutely my opinion,please dont take any offence.if i hadd that money i would have done that.So the advice is absolute mine .

Last but not the least,I support u too and its really good to have u in such a class forum.No doubt u can be the NEWEGG in Kolkata. Hats off buddy.

with Best regards,

Now I am getting confused. I am sure about my config and confident that it will give me the best performance at a low cost. I have mentioned this earlier and those like topgear who have been following me know that, I have considerably increased my budget to build a better machine and I did it because I have faith in you guys that you won't misguide me. I am again mentioning that I can spend upto 15k for mu proccy and mobo and please get me a good config at that range, and I have stuck at E8400 ( though many have suggested AMD but I am biased towards Intel for many reasons I am not goin to bore you with). I heard from many reliable sources that MSI is very good option as a motherboard and good for overclocking (stability). After extensive search, research and suggestions, I came across P45 Neo-F, which had got many good reviews and provides a lot of features at a low price. Same goes for Palit 9600GT 512MB DDR3, VX450 and CM 690. Now the option still lies to opt for the transparent side panel, 1 or 2 more fans, vx550. That is an on spot decision to make, but it is not the same case for the mobo. So guys, please surely tell me ( yes or no ) whether P45 Neo-F is a good motherboard for overclocking and has excellent stability as I surely don't want to fry my proccy and ram. Please give a definitive answer to my rig, and if you guys can get me a better rig at the same price (no amd please) then you are welcome

Another boring part, can you guys tell me if there is any place where I can sell my old PC parts??? If so, here is my config. Do tell me what price it will fetch as a lot depends on the price i can get from these:

Intel Dual Core E2140 1.6GHz
Intel DG965RYCK
Frontech Nero with PSU (12V/18A)
Zion DDR2 800MHz 1GB + 512MB

All of these parts were bought on 9th Oct, 2007. Please tell me the price I can get because I can get a better rig if the cost is considerable.


I am the night...I am...
hey buddy buildin a new system

core 2 quad q8400 2.66ghz
asus p5kpl amps g31 chipset
2x2 ddr2 4gb ram(any brand)800mhz
500gb seagate baracudda sata2
xfx radeon 4770 512mb gddr5
cabinet+powersupply - iball workhorse+500watt iball ps
any dvd writer
samsung 2233sw 22inch monitor

please comment on the system and suggest any changes
im in a really tight budget


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^^ 1st of all let us know you budget :p

Get P45 chipset based mobo.
Go with GTS 250. For Ram get Transcend or Kingston if you are not going to OC.
Get a decent power supply like CM 500W Extreme Plus atleast.
Get samsung or LG dVD RW.
Get Zebronics Bijli cabby.

@ thunder.02dragon - any high end board from MSi, Asus, Gigabyte, EVGA you will give you enough power of OC :p

GTS 250 is not bad either. It nothing than a rebranded 9800GTX+ which operforms as HD4850. But GTX260 is completely a different beast :p


@ fatalcore - there's nothing wrong with MSi moibo. Just don't go with their ultra cheap boards which ranges between Rs. 2.5-3K :p. The only bad thing about MSi is it's PCB is kinda light as compared to other mobos.

But no one going to fight with the mobo. Sure gigabyte & Asus makes better boards ( read a bit heavier PCB but that's for a higher price also )

MSI P45 Neo is the best one in it's price range & there is nothing wrong with it.


@ Raptor1989 - MSI P45 Neo F & e8400 is very good combo ( but if you have some doubts your only other option is Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3L which also OCs very well ). Get the CM690. Do note that you will have to buy 4 120mm led fans for get the full potential of this cabby. Get corsair VX450W. It can deliver upto 570W!! :p


Thanks fr the infos...
The gigabyte mobo price might be overpriced I donno what i get..I sell nevermind..
I actually dont get tym to list more items...I sell frm Nvidia Quadro to all...OCZ etc etc every High end can be found here(almost all)...also the shops cannt I can find...NP
I dont have ny showroom....I work only by home...and te Site is only I have...

Common man get out of the Extreme Power...most of the EP are craps....
I ddnt said 250's bad but on 3K more can get GTX260 re
Buddy ASUS is crap man....high end not sure...sti;; in stability I m not sure
Buddy E8400 is not available....mosttly....I can get it :p If lucky shops can get it...
sayn bcause last tym i hunted fr E8400 wasnt able to I found


hi raptor1989,

intel E8400
Gigabyte ep45-ud3l - 6400+
2X2Gb XMS2 crosair - 2950+
GTS 250 - 9900+
Corsair VX450 - 4100+
CM NV-334
Creative 5.1 T6100 -3700+
LG LCD W1953T - 6600+
Logitech Illuminated Keyboard
Mouse-Your Choice

I personally use the mobo suggested by Topgear and its awesome for the value for money.the RAM and PSU is excellent.u can also choose Q9300 processor only its speed is 2.5 GHz(But u can overclock it with the mobo,)recently sold the E7500-5400+
and if u have spare money u can buy 500GB seagate external drive which is preety cool,and add 4GB more RAM to ur rig.
The combination of the LCD and Keyboard is fantastic and unquestionable(In Style,I am FIDA on this combination).
For mouse if u can u may buy Logitech MX revolution(Fatntastic look).
For the Cabnet it has a elegant look with Transparent side(nVidia Sign,I personally love it)
At last u may go for a CPU cooler CM-V8,Looks great in the Entire rig.

I hope that will be a good Combination of Style and Perfrmance.

As for the old machine,i can talk with a Local man who purchases old stuff but unfortunately u have to buy atleast something from him,as he doesnot give u cash return,But i can assure you that u will get the market price for the new items.
Thats all bro,However Do consult with Topgear,thunder.02dragon,desiibond,sjoardar before u get a grip on ur rig.
Best reagrds,
man ur website is really good no question about that.I liked it because its the first in kolkata to have a site like this,best wishes all the time bro,
i said ur mobo overpriced because on tuesday i purcased the mobo for 6400+4%.thats all,however the price of the otherr components are absolutely fine no doubt,Please accept my apology if u felt being rude.
Do send me your mobile number for future reference.
with best regards,
Hi topgear
No comment,as u r my advicer.;-)
with best regards,
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I am the night...I am...
hi topgear buddy

thanx for the info

an asus p45 chipset based board costs around 9k and thats way too expensive
im not goin to overclock the q8400 so whats wrong sticking with the p5kpl amps g31 board.

besides my budget is around 30k add 2-3k max
i'm stickin with the radeon 4770 because its a 40nm chip and runs cool and also has faster ddr5 memory
the gts 250 is a rebadged 9800gt and is around 2-3k expensive than the radeon

please help me out in this one

really need your comment
Posted again:
hi topgear buddy

thanx for the info

an asus p45 chipset based board costs around 9k and thats way too expensive
im not goin to overclock the q8400 so whats wrong sticking with the p5kpl amps g31 board. Is overclocking the main reason for opting a p45 or there's somthin else.

besides my budget is around 30k add 2-3k max
i'm stickin with the asus radeon 4770 because its a 40nm chip and runs cool and also has faster ddr5 memory
the gts 250 is a rebadged 9800gt and is around 2-3k expensive than the radeon

please help me out in this one

really need your comment
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