I've got a broadband connection that's free till 8 am. That means every day I've to interrupt my sleep to pause downloads, close Net connection and switch off the computer.
Is there a tried and tested software that can do all of this:
Shutdown programs like Limewire and Bittorrent without causing any data loss
and shut down the PC
automatically at a specified time.
There are lots of programmes on the net like "Switch off" that'll shut down the PC and force applications to close. Will this cause any data loss???
Please help me catch up on my sleep.
Is there a tried and tested software that can do all of this:
Shutdown programs like Limewire and Bittorrent without causing any data loss
and shut down the PC
automatically at a specified time.
There are lots of programmes on the net like "Switch off" that'll shut down the PC and force applications to close. Will this cause any data loss???
Please help me catch up on my sleep.