any suggestions for me.

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Any specific reason for going for an intel processor?

AMD offers much better value, so an AMD based system would be a much better buy :)


In the zone
I agree with ujjwal

And if u need it for gaming then look no further than AMD :twisted:

And you should have searched the forum before starting this topic


so wht u mean to say is

blue = INTEL
green= AMD

man this is so hilarious

we have color codes in resistors to find their values

wont b a bad idea ROFLOL !!


man is this nomenclature common or this guy said it for the first time ?


its 100% his own made ;)
never heard such thing amongst many techies over other forums like AT and guru3d.
You know you should never make up your mind when it comes to PC. Brand loyality is selfdestructive in this industry. Get the best money can buy and keep the fanboysm away. Its your loss in the end.
For 30K mnost high end P4 LGA775 is out of your reach.
Better go for solid S754 Athlon64 system or even cheap but solid performing Athlon Xp system.
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