Broken In
All Electronics & Computer Students i am calling you. Recently i see a card with remote which is capable of starting, shutdown, hibernation, standby capabilities. you can all do that with remote which comes with the card it costs Rs 3000/- i am here to create that kind of card just in 500 Rs so Electronics people and computer geeks can you help me do that (Electronics People can you design the circuit board for that which can connect to computer with any port it might be USB, USB 2.0, COM or any port and computer geeks can you help me to write the source code so that we can make that thing work i started writing the source code in C if it started working all the people who take part in this project will feel proud and who knows digit people print that project on top cover of the digit magazine.
The Card i Saw is Pinnacle Product i don't remember the code.
The Card i Saw is Pinnacle Product i don't remember the code.