to J.K. Rowling: Thank You

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Aspiring Novelist
*​ to J.K. Rowling: Thank You

* We're incredibly excited to announce that Amazon has purchased J.K. Rowling’s The Tales of Beedle the Bard at an auction held by Sotheby’s in London. The book of five wizarding fairy tales, referenced in the last book of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is one of only seven handmade copies in existence. The purchase price was £1,950,000, and Ms. Rowling is donating the proceeds to The Children's Voice campaign, a charity she co-founded to help improve the lives of institutionalized children across Europe.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard is extensively illustrated and handwritten by the bard herself--all 157 pages of it. It's bound in brown Moroccan leather and embellished with five hand-chased hallmarked sterling silver ornaments and mounted moonstones.

Enjoy these first images of the book and reviews of each of the fairy tales (if you want to be sure of a link that will permanently work, use For the curious of mind, Amazon editors are now taking questions about the tales from all comers on our discussion boards (located further down this page). Review: The Tales of Beedle the Bard

There is no easy way to define the experience of seeing, holding, or reading J.K. Rowling's The Tales of Beedle the Bard, so let's just start with one word: "Whoa." The very fact of its existence (an artifact pulled straight out of a novel) is magical, not to mention the facts that only seven copies exist in all the world and each of the never-before-told tales is handwritten and illustrated by J.K. Rowling herself (and it's quite clear from the first few pages that she has some skill as an artist). Rowling's handwriting is like the familiar scrawl of a favorite aunt--it's not hard to read, but it does require attention--allowing you to take it slow and savor the mystery of each next word.

So how do you review one of the most remarkable tomes you've ever had the pleasure of opening? You just turn each page and allow yourself to be swept away by each story. You soak up the simple tales that read like Aesop's fables and echo the themes of the series; you follow every dip and curve of Rowling's handwriting and revel in every detail that makes the book unique--a slight darkening of a letter here, a place where the writing nearly runs off the page there. You take all that and you try and bring it to life, knowing that you will never be able to do it justice. With that, let's dig in and begin at the beginning, shall we? --Daphne Durham

1. "The Wizard and the Hopping Pot" [CAUTION: SPOILERS WITHIN!]
As in her Harry Potter series, garnishing the top of the first page of the first fairy tale, "The Wizard and the Hopping Pot," is a drawing--in this case, a round pot sitting atop a surprisingly well-drawn foot (with five toes, in case you were wondering, and we know some of you were). This tale begins merrily enough, with a "kindly old wizard" whom we meet only briefly, but who reminds us so much of our dear Dumbledore that we must pause and take a breath.

This "well-beloved man" uses his magic primarily for the benefit of his neighbors, creating potions and antidotes for them in what he calls his "lucky cooking pot." Much too soon after we meet this kind and generous man, he dies (after living to a "goodly age") and leaves everything to his only son. Unfortunately, the son is nothing like his father (and entirely too much like a Malfoy). Upon his father's death, he discovers the pot, and in it (quite mysteriously) a single slipper and a note from his father that reads, "In the fond hope, my son, that you will never need this." As in most fairy tales, this is the moment when things start to go wrong....

[Via Amazon]

One word: Awesome! Highly recommended for anyone with even the slightest interest in the Harry Potter series. :D
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Think Zen.
Real Nice.Was hoping for someone to post a review.
Hopefully amazon can cut a deal to release an e-book version of it.
Thats the only way folks like me can read the stories :p


hey, this was posted on amazon a looooong time ago! i have read it. anyways thanks for posting it here!


Aspiring Novelist
hey, this was posted on amazon a looooong time ago! i have read it. anyways thanks for posting it here!
I know but I didn't find it mentioned on the forum, so I thought maybe I should, because it is a very interesting read. :)


The Dark lord
Thanks for the info buddy:D
Well the review of this book on amazon is good. i hope it wouldnt be turn out like book 7


Aspiring Novelist
Umm... it's not like you can just buy it off a store shelf, so the question of it "turning out like book 7" does not arise anyway.

Besides, it's awesome! :)


A Year Closer To Heaven
Any chance of it ever showing on the bookshelves? It will be a shame if it doesn't. Shame if I have to be a multi-millionaire to read a book.
Any chance of it ever showing on the bookshelves? It will be a shame if it doesn't. Shame if I have to be a multi-millionaire to read a book.
it would reach bookshelves, but only after a period when the buyers of the original 7 books have reaped the reward for their purchase: awes from ppl for one year :lol:
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