A Way Out


Federal Agent Area 51
Staff member
Name: Away Out

Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One

Genre: Adventure game

Release date: Coming early 2018

Developer: Hazelight

Publisher: Electronic Arts

You have to play either co-op online or on couch. What begins as a thrilling escape quickly turns into an emotional adventure unlike anything seen & played before. A Way Out is a two-player experience. Each player controls one of the main characters, working together to escape the prison and continue beyond into each character’s lives.​


The Power of x480
Staff member
This looks so good. I am hoping to play this online rather than split screen. It's like Portal Co Op mode but for the whole game.
Only grip is that, it can only be played once with one friend. Replay value wouldn't be that great.

Brothers game was a visual treat, and so seems like this game does too.


Killing Machine
Inspired from Prison Break? :p

Btw, looking forward to this one here. Brothers was awesome.
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