A highest possible configuration for AMD6000+

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Hello Guys,
Today I decided to buy me a new System, as my old one is dying its slow death. I read your enlightening posts, did lots of google searches but I must admit I couldn't understand most of the things. Seems I've been out of the Hardware arena for quite a long time, and would need another 1 month or so to understand every intricate things about Computer Hardware. So I am asking you shamelessly to help me find a good configuration.
I roamed the streets and asked some main vendors to give me a good configuration. I am not sure either about what do I want. I have been playing with a Snail-Speed computer for such a long time that I want to own and work on a faster computer. I'm not a game enthusiast, though when I was young(Not literally) I was a game buff and had played some of the serious games of my time(Castle WolfestineII, Revolt, Max Payne, Project IGI etc) . Now I've lost my interest(Same reason - slow Computer).
Anyways, as I said earlier I asked some vendors about the configuration, and they gave me this, Could you please help me pick a nice configuration??? I would be grateful. What do you say about Intel??? Is Intel Dual core better than AMD???

Processor - AMD6000+
RAM - 2 GB (Any specific brand I should demand???)
MoBo - Asus (M2NMX-SE), Asus-HDMI,

1. I want my system capable enough to run Windows Vista.
2. Maybe My brother would like to play a game or two.
3. Should be able to analyze approx 10,000 SQL Records quickly and efficiently.
4. My Budget is around Rs. 25,000/-(Without Monitor)
5. Would I need to add some high end graphics card to enjoy advance features of Vista(Flip View or whatever they say)
6. I am into Database Management(Oracle) and Programming(.Net).

Admins and Moderators, If I am violating forums rules then I apologize in advance. I tried to search a good AMD6000+ configuration here but couldn't find, so started a new thread with the hope that this new thread will be visible to other users like me who want a quick info to help them buy a good system.
~nirajkvinit :)
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Just one suggestion which may be considered. Go for a lower speed processor. You can definitely overclock it to get more performance for less price. I would suggest if you can find X2 5000+ Black Edition, then it will be good. This specific processor was not available when I purchased my PC 1 month ago. But it should be available now.
One more thing do you have a LCD monitor with DVI-D port? Or LCD TV with HDMI/DVI-D input? If yes then only go for HDMI version of motherboard. Else it will be waste of money as you cannot use the DVI/HDMI port.
Processor: AMD X2 5000+ Black Edition - comes with ~2.66 ghz speed, 1mb l2 cache. overclock it up to 3.6 ghz
Processor:(better gaming.graphics option) something else, which has 4 mb L2 cache.
Chipset/Graphics: Onboard, AMD 690G/ATi x1250
RAM: Kingstone/transcend 1x2 or 2x1 GB, DDR2 800MHz, underclock to 700MHz for safety if you want.
Cooling System: Can't say much, but get one if you don't want to underclock ram, and just want hardcore performance with overclocking, definitely get one.
HDD: any good 6.5k 500 GB 7200 RPM wala will do

this will be the best AMD budget performance gaming rig you can cook up. it will cost about 15000 max.

vista will run effortlessly, and compiz will look stunning as never before
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