
  1. Binay 007

    need userID & password

    I had installed Radio mundu where it is asking for user Id & Password in my mobile.I Allready activated GPRS(Airtel)& able to access net using nokia pc suite ---from where i able to find my userid & password.
  2. S

    Bsnl Dataone Modem Help

    Hi guys, I use Dataone and i have a Type I modem from BSNL.( Huwaein SMARTAX MT800) If i start my modem, it automatically connects to the internet. I dont want this to happen, instead i want to connect to the internet only when i want, jus like dial-up where i have to enter my userid...
  3. G

    can anyone else use my userid & psswd?

    can anyone else use my userid & psswd? using a diff phone line? or these r rgisterd to my phone no.?
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