In accordance with its tick-tock model of shrinking processes and new microarchitectures, Intel today announced its 22 nanometer microprocessor, code named "Ivy Bridge", based on the same microarchitecture as Sandy Bridge. The interesting thing being that these transistors will be the...
AMD HAD some interesting things to say at their CES keynote, one of which signaled an industry paradigm shift. When AMD's CEO Dirk Meyer says that more transistors are no longer the way to push innovation, you have to pay attention.
While he didn't say it outright, the point is simple. More...
Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology plan to present research on transistor technology next week that they hope will jumpstart a new development phase in tiny electronics beyond the iPod and the cell phone.
MIT engineers estimate that silicon transistors, essential to...
Who woulda thought in this day and age people still use vacuum tubes? Yes there were vacuum tube computers in the very old ages. But transistors are IT. They consume a lot lot lot less power and switch much much much faster. You talk about gigahertz in transistors and well hertz for vacuum...
Intel have announced a new technology allowing them to reduce the size of their transistors by up to 30%. Industry analysts had been forecasting a major technological barrier for Intel in the not too distant future, but Intel's announcement appears to smash straight through it.
Intel have...
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