
  1. raksrules

    Which rapidshare server for India ??

    I am located in Mumbai and using MTNL triband as my ISP. Please let me know which rapidshare server will give me maximum download speed. Following are the servers Level(3) #2 Level(3) TeliaSonera Teleglobe Level(3) #4 GlobalCrossing #2 Level(3) #3 GlobalCrossing Teleglobe #2 Cogent TeliaSonera #2
  2. Rockstar11

    Which rapidshare server is the fastest for download from India?

    Which rapidshare server is the fastest for download from India? (free user) Download via: TeliaSonera Level(3) GlobalCrossing Cogent TeliaSonera #3 GlobalCrossing #2 TeliaSonera #2 Deutsche Telekom Teleglobe #2 Teleglobe Level(3) #3 Level(3) #2
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