
  1. Arun the Gr8

    Need 2 setup a new pc 4 20K (exclu monitor, speakers, keyboard))

    Please............... with prices URGENT. WITH ONBOARD GRAPHICS, 160 GB HDD, dvd riter
  2. D

    how check if my DVD riter can boot from DVDs or not?

    hi , i recently got a Lite-on dvd riter., nd tried the new fedora core 32 bit dvd installer., which was bootable. but the dvd doesnt boot and proceeds 2 start windows., when i asked the delear, he said that the drive could boot from dvds. now how do i verify this, or has he duped me? urgent...
  3. S

    CD Drive trouble

    I got meself a Samsung Cd riter which is currently in its second year. I got a prob wid it. It can read cd's and if smthng is ritten on it, i can burn some more data on it. But it isnt reading new cd's. It gives E:\Incorrect function or smthng error when i click on its icon. Pleez...
  4. A

    Cheap DVD media???

    Well I just bought a sony 800a. The DVD media that I get here in Goa are Iomega for Rs 40 and moser baer for 45. I wanted cheaper DVD media which wud wrk fine on my DVD riter. Please suggest some. As I will be going to Pune and plan to buy in bulk. Also please let me knw... where in Pune can I...
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