
  1. S

    buying a harddisk !!!!!

    i'm planning 2 buy a 250 gb harddisk.. my pc confg is 512 mb ddr2 ram,intel p4 2.8 ghz,geforce question is : is there any relation between these pc configurations and a harddrive.i.e.,can a 250 gb hd be compatible with my pc ??
  2. H


    wat r the popular benchmarks and how do i compare my score with other configurations for the same benchmark... to know where my system stand in relation to others'..
  3. M

    help me in upgradation of pc.,,,,,

    hello everyone,, recently i got probelm with motherboard,always BSOD ,its,,845 gvsr,,,becoz of 3 yr warranty lg guys told me they will replace this but at same time they told me ,,i can upgrade if i want,,so they suggested me 915 chipset,, currently configuration is like this,,,,,,,p4...
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