
  1. harshilsharma63

    Suggest a panorama stitching software

    Hi guys. I've been using Microsoft ICE but it lacks the flexibility and configurability. So, please suggest of a better, yet easy to use panorama stitching software. Both free and paid softwarer are okay.
  2. R

    New camera within 10K Budget

    So, I have finally decided to buy a digital camera. The following are my requirements. Digitians please suggest something suitable. PURPOSE: The main usage of the camera will be to capture friends and family during trips, events, outings.. Everyday photography of people.. Should be usable by my...
  3. tkin

    Suggest Camera Within 22k!!

    Hi guys, I bought a Sony HX7V few months back but my dad took it for himself, now I have to buy another one for myself. My priorities are: 1. Point and shoots preferred, should be compact, although if substantially better might go for Bridge, no DSLR. 2. Good zoom, 16x or more. 3. At...
  4. ashfame

    How to create a Panorama Image?

    I have a created a detailed how to on creating a panorama image on my blog : How to create a Panorama Image? It is created using Irfanview. Cant post it here cuz i will need to upload images again and I am on net thro cell.
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