
  1. Charley

    Nokia C503

    I want to exchange nokia 5800 for c503. Is it a good phone? Any negatives?
  2. A

    please help me buy a new cell phone

    hiiii......I need some help regarding d abov topic...... i wana buy a new cell phone ranging upto Rs15,000.... Ive don sm research nd came up with d thought tht it can be either Nokia N81or Sony Ericsson W595....please help me choose one....please tell me the plus points nd negatives as well...
  3. N

    Nokia Mobiles: Short Reviews

    Reviewed below are current high end Nokia mobile handsets available in the market. No more reading through multiple page reviews of mobiles to draw your conclusions. Just short summary reviews, covering the things that matter. Scope & Objective: * The objective of this post is to enable...
  4. R

    Which laptop should i buy

    i would like to know which laptop should i go for. my budget would be between 55-60 k. i herd dell inspiron 6400 is good. should i go for amd or intel dual core? should i go with HP,Dell,Acer??? positives and negatives of these laptops?? please give me some ideas on few laptos which i can go for.
  5. R

    Printing Photo from Negatives (Photo Reel)

    Dear friendz I want to scan and print my pictures from photo reel (ie. negatives). Which S/W will enable me to do this. I have a scanner (HP). Please help me.... ................... Rajzoo1
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