
  1. Cyberghost

    EA COO Peter Moore on Pay-to-Play and Freemium Games: “I Don’t Think Anybody Has to Like It”

    “Core” gamers are uncomfortable with change and don’t like embracing new business models, according to EA’s Peter Moore. Read More :EA COO Peter Moore on Pay-to-Play and Freemium Games: “I Don’t Think Anybody Has to Like It”
  2. azzu

    |*|*|*DIgit Un-offical Forum awards*|*|*|

    |*|*|*DIgit Un-offical Forum awards*|*|*| yes u spelled it right. All u have to do is Dowload the Text attached and choose Your Winner Send it to me.(EMAIL) 1):The awards will be based on the Highest Votes basis. 2):Every active Member of Forum is requested to participate...
  3. azzu

    Apple making moore and moore fanboys

    Australian police stopped a robbery in Sydney, arresting three men. The funny part? We think one of them may have been wearing an iPod, given that trademark white earbud cord sticking out of his pocket. It's possible that, having cold feet at the last second, this scared masked man cranked some...
  4. azzu


    My frnd sent me a pdf document regarding autodesign from turin and he have encrypted it.He will be not in touch with me for moore than a week any thing to know the pass of the pdf document ???
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