
  1. debaisaindian

    Fake Email Mailer from Digit July CD/DVD

    Dear friends, I want an application from Digit's July CD/DVD. It's name is Fake Email Mailer. I searched through the internet but the website is having some problem currently and can't find any working mirror links. I have lost my July edition CD/DVD, i request someone to kindly upload it to...
  2. H

    Help for Mass Mailer!!

    Dear, Does anyone know how 2 make a mass mailer. I have seen mailer having a 120Kb sized image inside the mailer, but the whole mailer size i.e. the size which is shown on the indox is just 2-3Kb. So how do one make such mailers... plz help... [edit:techno] do not advertise your personal...
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