
  1. cooldudie3

    javac.exe automatically closing

    I am new to Java and I have downloaded the Java SE 6 SDK. I have finished programming my program but I run javac.exe, it doesn't work. :(It opens, but after a second the command prompt window closes. I try many times but still does not work. Then I try to drag the .java file to the...
  2. R

    .Bat file code error

    @echo off pushd %CD% cls set jpath=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\bin cd /d %jpath% if EXIST "javac.exe" goto FOUND if NOT EXIST "javac.exe" goto NOTFOUND :NOTFOUND cls echo JAVAC.EXE FILE NOT FOUND pause goto END :FOUND echo JAVAC.EXE FILE FOUND echo. pause popd :END :?: I have written a...
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