
  1. A

    Track a Laptop

    Hey guys is there any way we can track a lost laptop which follows, 1. Laptop was delivered to some one whom we do not know. 2. So a brand new laptop is lost. 3. Can we track him/her if he registers the laptop for warranty?(no one will register a stolen/free laptop :| ) 4. Can we track...
  2. R

    How can i compress a game using DOS.bat?

    hey theres this guy on mininova "skullptura" and he compresses games form 6 gb to about 2 gb i think he uses dos.batch could anyone tell me how to compress games myself like him/her many thanks
  3. s18000rpm

    Magic Slate

    Type in some lines about someone u like most & want to be with also if you want to do something for him/her write that also & then see the Magic magic slate :))
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