
  1. W

    VSonic GR02 vs GR06?

    Guys, Looking to buy a good set of IEM. Zeroed in GR02 and GR06...though i want to go ahead with GR02, thought of thinking about GR06 as well? Also is GR06 discontinued? Earphone This doesn't have it :-?
  2. R

    WTB VSonic GR02 Bass Edition from HIFINAGE

    Hi guys,I'm planning to buy VSonic GR02 Bass Edition from as it's the only place to get this superb IEM. Is this store reliable? Any alternative to Hifinage or Vsonic GR02? How's SM E10m? Please reply guys,I'm in dire need of a good IEM within ~2k :razz: p.s They are charging...
  3. R

    WTB VSonic GR02 Bass Edition from HIFINAGE

    Hi guys,I'm planning to buy VSonic GR02 Bass Edition from as it's the only place to get this superb IEM. Is this store reliable? Any alternative to Hifinage or Vsonic GR02? How's SM E10M & what's the difference b/w E10m & E10? Please reply guys,I'm in dire need of a good IEM within...
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