
  1. R

    Understanding Economics the most easiest way

    Hey guys! This friend of mine is in trouble as of late - with Economics. Can you guys recommend the most easiest book with which he can learn economics - specially in Indian context? I'm sure there are many out there who have trouble understanding basic economics regardless of the age. I...
  2. anurodhjindal

    sites for Economics????

    Hi...does anyone know the web-sites where i can find the matter related to Economics w.r.t indian economy?
  3. B

    economics of Free software

    I just can't understand the economics of free software. I mean how can companies like WinAmp, Opera and LimeWire sustain themselves and hire people when they sell their software for free... I mean they should be bankrupt by now.. I don't think people ever buy the PRO versions of these softwares...
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