
  1. M

    Airtel LIfetime 4 GPRS...........

    guys is it beneficial to buy Airtel sim(lifetime) 4 GPRS through PC....... ....just for surfing n downloadin minor updates?????
  2. keep_it_rl

    How to autopilot my computer?

    gyus my isp provides me free bandwidth from 2 to 8am and i wanna download stuff from p2p so can u suggest me software which will start the p2p software at 2am and start downloadin and hibernate the pc at 8 am .i use lime wire
  3. M

    web messenger

    hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo any body there to help me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am in search of the messenger service which can be used without downloadin the software on ur machine
  4. bharathbala2003

    kazaa problem->topic changed P2P queries

    guys i tried downloadin the latest version of kazaa from * but when i open the installer i downloaded nuthin is comin.. :? its openin and all options are visible but not selectable :?: i tried downloadin it 5 or 6 times in diff folders.. but the same thing happened...
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