
  1. cute.bandar

    Comments on Motherboard Repair/Troubleshoot Boot-Failure Diagnostic PCI Card

    From Dealextreme About: basically its a diagnostic PCI card that will help diagnose PC boot errors (no-post , faulty PSU) According to the reviews, its pretty useful thing. What does TDF think? useful ? what gets my attention is how cheap it is. It costs only Rs. 111 , including...
  2. H

    Is the harddisk physically failing????

    On my friend's laptop, whenever he is starting Windows 7, everytime an error message is displayed which says that "Errors detected on Hard Disk. It may fail. Please take a backup of programs and documents. Errors reported from partitions C,D,E,F" But the performance has not degraded too much...
  3. D

    how to make windows xp live cd

    Please friends do you know how to make windows XP live cd. I know that it is possible but donnu how and can install programs in like partition manager, antivirus, etc, so that i can use it as a diagnostic tool
  4. gsoul2soul

    somethings.... FISHY

    My PC freezes, in the middle... out of Blue!!! I suspect my network card, bcoz everytime my PC boots... it takes ages for network connection menu to load. By the way, i took my sound card out... my AGP card... and everything!!! I check my RAM... and HD and all!!! Is there any way, i...
  5. A

    Latest Ultimate boot CD

    Ultimate Boot CD is completely free for the download, or could be obtained for a small fee. If you had somehow paid a ridiculous amount of money for it, you have most likely been fleeced. The least you could do is to make as many copies of the offical UBCD and pass it to your friends, relatives...
  6. M

    Tell me about PC Diagnostic Card.

    I am finding a PC Diagnostic Card. Which will be cheap in price. Tell me, where from I can buy this in India?
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