
  1. anandk

    Some New Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows Vista.

    Some New Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows Vista. Win+g - Cycles the Gadgets selections. Win+Spacebar - Brings Gadgets to the front Win+x - Cycles though the Mobility Center. Win+Tab - Activates Flip 3-D. Win+u - Activates the Ease of Use Center. Win+t - Cycles through Taskbar Programs Alt...
  2. gxsaurav

    iPhone customer iSues Apple

    This just in.....taken from Dailytech We all know that lawsuits is a good business practise to make easy money in USA, but this is awsome. Some user actually decided to pwn Apple & remove there money extorting methods.
  3. L

    clock cycles elapsed in C??

    hi, i hav asked a similar question like " time of execution in C", i dint think it was relevant to ask tehre. so startd a new thread. In some programs i see, usually benchmarking sort of programs, the o/p is, It took "xxxxx" clock cycles to execute this program.... and from that using the...
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