
  1. M

    USB problem

    hey, i recently updated my bios to the latest available of my motherboard{asus m2n-mx} and now my usb ports do not work at 2.0 . i have a external hard disk so it need higher data transfer and now it is very slow. about an hour to copy 6.5 gb what the f***& .:confused: :confused...
  2. max_demon

    HELP.Problem , again !!(Windows XP)

    I cant boot into windows XP . it is giving this error . it didn't solved my problem . coz my win xp cd is corrupt .:confused: i cant even repair my windows xp installation .(damn):mad::mad: HELP:(:(
  3. S

    please help me

    hello my dear friends i want your help in buying a computer i want to know which is better Assemble or bran ded.Kindly answer .:confused:
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