
  1. Ashokkumar01cbe

    explain the below program.....

    this is a program to add two numbers without using arithmetic operators. I found this program in the web ,but i am unable to understand ,please explain me the 7th and 8th steps the p and sum values are assigned. #include"stdio.h" #include"conio.h" void main() { int a,b,sum...
  2. bijay_ps

    what is *&???

    I got this question from a study material for GATE exam. The code is as follows:#include<stdio.h> void main() { char *p; p="Hello"; printf("%c\n",*&*p); } someone please explain me what is this *&*p and what and how it does??
  3. blackleopard92

    insane C program needing explanation

    does anybody have any idea what's going on here? #include <stdio.h> int main() { float a = 65.375; char *p; int i; p = (char*)&a; printf("%c\n",*p); for(i=0;i<=3;i++) printf("%02x",(unsigned char)p); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; }
  4. I

    C++ question

    I wrote an encryption/decryption prog in c++ using the xor operator(im just a n00b) suppose my input is my name is dheeraj kumar. then my encrypted form is 㵧≥㙁刁Ԁ幅㸵ጕȕൽĜᰄ鉏 when i decrypt it the output is my name is dheeraj kumar.ÿš i dont know how i got the extra 2...
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