
  1. R

    OO calc & Excel

    How can I create a spreadsheet in which grids are not visible, like in the screenshot below (disabling grids completely makes grids not visible for every spreadsheet, I need it for separate spreadsheets): I would like to know the procedure in both OO calc and excel2007
  2. sushan

    i have lost my calc tab n games tab shows empty

    Dear guys, Please help with to find the calc tab n game on the start tab,thanks for your time. SUshan
  3. xbonez

    Inbuilt calc in firefox

    ok, this isn't really a tut...more of a trick In the google searchbar in Firefox (to the right of the address bar), u can perform simple maths calc. such as 24=12-5 , 18+50-25 or even some trigo operations such as sin x displays the result without u having to press enter, so its...
  4. A

    Sudoku in spreadsheets

    Hope that membwers are aware about the lately popularb Soduku puzzles. I tried to generate it in a spreadsheet. Excel failed to generate a random number (even through its help) but OOO Calc did, but it repeated numbers. To tell frioends here, Ubuntu is a 9x9 grid, in each 3x3 grid, there should...
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