
  1. desiibond

    Which manufacturer has better designs

    Forget about the Operating System. Which of these manufacturers are better when it comes to smartphone design and adding features. Well, I had a fight with some fanboys. My argument was that Nokia and SE are better when it comes to Smartphone design when compared to Samsung and HTC. What do...
  2. entrana

    help in java homework anyone?

    i need a simple program, i think using for loop, to find odd numbers till a specified number using command line argument. like i want to find out all odd numbers till 10.
  3. aryayush

    Why Security Pros Use Macs

    Why do I insist on using a Mac as my primary work machine? More specifically, why an Intel Core2-based MacBook Pro? It's probably not the reason that you think. Security professionals need not hide behind the argument that avoiding Microsoft Products is the end-all solution to a secure...
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