
  1. maverick786us

    My 120MM fans are too noisy

    I have placed 2 120MM Amigo Fans on top panels of my CM 690 Case, some times they create so much noise like a hair drier that my whole tables feels like vibrating. Is it the general problem with these Amigo Fans? Can someone give me a solution?
  2. ionicsachin

    PSU Dilemma...

    hi guys....i ve recently purchased some new hardware(see in my signature) and now planning to go for a good psu...old one sux i ve Rs. 2250 now i ve shortlisted 3....suggest me which one i shud go for coolermaster xtreme power 390w - Rs. 1900 xtreme power 380w - Rs. 1980 Amigo real power...
  3. S

    Buy Amigo 500W SMPS

    where can i buy Amigo 500W SMPS in bangalore or any other SMPS which is the price range 1500-2100 My criteria is to get 26A or more on the +12V rail .... plzzzzzzz help
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