
  1. U

    viruses-what de do?

    i know viruses r known to aquire memory unnecessarily n continously but what r the actual implications apart from mem consumption? And also I wanted to know abt spywares, malwares, adwares those are generally downloaded in our machines while accessing some sites?? I would be higly obliged to...
  2. I

    IE Title Bar Problem

    Well I am using IE explorer 7 on an original XP SP2....the system is performing fine except for the fact that the Title Bar shows " Internet Explorer- Hacked By Godzilla". I checked the system 4 spywares and adwares but culdnt find ne. Can this be rectified??? Plz guide me////
  3. plsoft

    Can i use antivirus + adware se?

    will there be any prob if i use my antivirus(mcafee/norton/avast/zonealarm) along with adware se or spybot. I cant remove the adwares in my system with these antivirus'.Pls suggest wat shud i do
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