
  1. revolt

    should this be allowed?

    There is a certain member in this forum whom i dont like. Had I met him in real life I would have loved to kick in his face.Beat him etc etc…He is an idiot and is trolling too much.If I abuse him in open will the mods only banish me?I don’t have anything with other members except him. His...
  2. avinandan012

    suggest a headphone with mic

    hi all i want to purchase a good headband headphone will be using this with my lenovo z570 budget Rs.1000(+ few hundred increase if it will give me a better product) Requirements : 1. good mic(use skype :)) while playing dota) 2. long lasting(cables should able to withstand a little abuse)...
  3. Anindya

    Do u earn from net?

    Can u all tell me if and how do u earn from net? Please exclude Adsense. Give details of the procedure. Actually I am looking for some ways to earn. I am sure many people who dont know about all these will be benefitted from it. (If this thread is illegal then PLEASE DONT ABUSE ME SIMPLY LOCK...
  4. anandk

    Microsoft Fights Online Child Abuse in India

    Reportedly, Microsoft, the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC), and the International police force (Interpol) have joined hands to help fight online child abuse in India. These three organizations are training Indian law enforcers at the Central Bureau of...
  5. kool

    hey frnds... i need ur help... **ORKUT**

    Hi dear Friends, Today I need your help, in my entire life I never hurted any girl/boy. Yesterday I checked my ORKUT scrapbook, and found someone has scrapped me with offensive/abusive language. He has also copied my photo from my album to his profile and made that profile by my fake name...
  6. Simple_Graduate

    Sexual harassment at elite school

    *in.news.yahoo.com/060817/139/66r0l.html In a shocking revelation, a girl student of Dehradun's Shigally Hill International Academy school today alleged that sexual harassment was going on in the school and that too with the due sanction of the authorities. One of the students of the...
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