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  1. A

    Looking forward to assemble a desktop sub 25k...Mainly for a multi-monitor setup.

    what are the inputs on both the monitors as that will help us in deciding the gfx card you need.
  2. A

    i want to network my house

    so as you read i want to network my house with a file and print server and here i list the various systems i have :-- system A : will be used as the server . it's a laptop with a centrino duo clocked at 1.67 ghz 1 gig ram 80 gig hdd i want to share an external/usb hdd along with my hp...
  3. A

    help me in deciding a tablet pc

    toshiba libretto
  4. A

    Hardware that you should NOT buy

    my observation all nvidias are bloody hot pc friers including my lappie's geforce 7400
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