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    Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

    hi Gautham, how long does your Arch Linux install take to boot up into the GUI login screen? i was thinking of installing it.
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    My PC just died on me, help!

    thank you all for responding, it was an SMPS problem. it took me some time to get it fixed.
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    a good shop in delhi nehru place

    Computer Empire & Cost to Cost get my vote, regardless of where you buy your stuff from remember to try 4-5 different stores before settling for one with the lowest price & bill, some stores like Cost 2 Cost have their rate list pasted on the walls, with others ask for an estimate. Always Always...
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    My PC just died on me, help!

    hi, I have a P4 2.4 GHz , Intel Original 845 GVSR board, 512 MB DDR 1(the original 256MB failed this one is around an year old). I've had this rig since 2004. I was playing UrT (fps game) the other day when the PC just died. The screen went dead(off), the green led for power on the cabinet was...
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    Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

    hi Udhay, xxx play a lot @ hellsheaven, filipinas aren't they? oh and baby u rock!
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    Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

    hi guys, saw a couple of us on hellsheven today, looks like theres something wrong with my mouse, if anyones reading this get to hellsheaven now!!!
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    Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

    thnx hullap. Hi Gagandeep, i am neither of the two, i usually play as bLaD3.
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    Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism

    Hi guys, gr8 to see an Indian clan on UrT, I 've been playing on and off for quite some time now, i wudnt call myself an expert yet, but i can find my way around most maps ;) Heres a fix for the "No server list from Master Server" issue: on the main screen type ~ to bring down console and type...
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