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  1. H

    Tutorial: Flashing k550i to w610i !!

    akshay, ok i figured that its not possible to backup GDFS in xs++, did a google, found that setool2lite will do the job! anyway thanks, -hanu_blr
  2. H

    Tutorial: Flashing k550i to w610i !!

    akshay, sorry i coudnt findout in xs++ to backup GDFS, i connected the fone with press C, got detected, then i selected gdfs in settings, here i see phone lock, phone profile, dump gdfs this is grayed out!. gdfs scrpit to select. where to select phone model ? Or someother tool ? to bkup gdfs ...
  3. H

    Tutorial: Flashing k550i to w610i !!

    hi akshay, i successfuly flashed my k550i to w610i w/o any prob, both MAIN/FS to w610i. And how do i backup GDFS ? Is there a better font pack available, TFD really sucks, tft is better. thanks hanu_blr
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