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  1. enoonmai

    Gears Of War Coming to PC

    More than that. New features include five new chapters never before seen on the X360, new multiplayer modes, a game level editor, and full support for DirectX 10. You can run this game in DX9 mode in Windows XP as well, if necessary. Will feature full co-op support over GFW Live. First look...
  2. enoonmai

    F.E.A.R Extraction Point

    Thread exists here. Please search before you post.
  3. enoonmai

    Ubisoft Games leak.

    I have all the images and some of the Star Wars videos, but the other major videos and PSD files couldnt be extracted properly. In any case, wonder why anyone didn't post this most excellent and intriguing screen from Assassin's Creed. So now we know FOR SURE that the player is a...
  4. enoonmai

    Ubisoft Games leak.

    ^ Its a 2.06GB RAR file, so nothing.
  5. enoonmai

    Ubisoft Games leak.

    Incidentally, does anyone have the full 2.06 GB download? Ubi took it down while I was downloading about 1.6GB from their FTP site. Any torrents to the full leak would be helpful. As for FC on the Wii, it does not look like crap. It looks as good as FCI and FCIE. Maybe not as good as FCIP...
  6. enoonmai

    Half Life 2 Error

    How on Earth can you play with your friend's original DVD/CD? HL2 and Steam doesn't work that way. The error occurs 99.9% of the time on pirated titles alone. And no, you cannot take your friend's original DVD and install and start playing. Give us some credit, will ya?! Steam ties in one CD key...
  7. enoonmai

    F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point

    ^ Please read the posts. We are indeed talking about the demo. Yes, the demo was out about three days back and is available from here at about 552 MB for about 10 minutes of gameplay.
  8. enoonmai

    Is FEAR worth it?

    Doom3 sports the Doom3 engine by id Software. FEAR sports the Jupiter EX engine from Monolith, so yeah, they have different game engines. Other games that use the Doom3 engine include Quake 4, Prey, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2. Condemned: Criminal Origins uses...
  9. enoonmai

    F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point

    Maybe not a standard X800, but that's a Built-By-ATI X800 XT Platinum Edition, so yes, it can chew through most games at High settings, except GRAW, TES4:Oblivion and Call of Juarez, where it has to revert to Medium settings. It also runs pretty darn well at 1600x1200/2x/4x, but I preferred to...
  10. enoonmai

    Windows Vista RC1 : A user review

    Incidentally, for those that didn't get a chance to get a Beta 2 key and hence be able to get a copy of RC1 and get it activated, the CPP is open again for RC1 here. PIDs are open again for the RC1 CPP.
  11. enoonmai

    HDTV wanted for PS3

    The PS3 is capable of dishing out true 1080p resolutions, and I don't think you get any 1080p/HDMI HDTV for anything less than 200k in India. The best HDTVs one can go in for right now are the 32" LCD HDTVs that cost around 50k and can output at 720p. Incidentally, CRT TVs aren't HD. What...
  12. enoonmai

    Is FEAR worth it?

    ^ Amen. FEAR shouldn't be played because someone tells you its scary. Because its not. Not in the least bit. However, what you SHOULD play FEAR for is the visceral experience. Its simply got the MOST INTENSE firefights I've ever seen in any FPS till date, and the AI is just top notch. Sure, the...
  13. enoonmai

    F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point

    OK, its been a day and I've played it over and over again for God knows how many times. At 555 MB, the demo just gives you about 10 minutes of gameplay tops, but what a 10 minutes it is! FEAR XP is as intense as FEAR, in fact, its even MORE intense - the enemies are souped up, the weapons have...
  14. enoonmai

    BLACK PS2 Demo - First Impressions

    I dont know how many of you knew this, but EA has been silently handing out BLACK demo discs to people who have pre-ordered and for free at some select outlets. Some kind soul got one and uploaded the demo to the Internet, where I managed to get my grubby hands on it. And boy, am I reeling with...
  15. enoonmai

    SKOAR! 2005 - The Ultimate Gaming Expo!

    For those that missed the expo, find over 250 official pictures of the Expo here at the Skoar! site: *
  16. enoonmai

    3DMark 06 Released

    3DMark 06 is officially out. Features: * DirectX® 9 3D game performance benchmark * Includes separate graphics card and CPU benchmarks * Produces workloads that simulate next generation 3D gaming requirements * Advanced 3D game engine supports HDR Rendering with SM3.0 Shaders, in...
  17. enoonmai

    Indian Civilization

    Hmm, the ones I can recall playing are: 1. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, which was set wholly in India and The Two Thrones, which features several principal characters who are from India. 2. There was a prison inmate called Ganesh in The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay...
  18. enoonmai

    Battlefront 2

    @Rowdy: Thats the InstallShield wrapper error. Its been known to happen to a LOT of people using the newer versions of InstallShield and SP2, in which case it somehow gets corrupted midway. What you can do is this. Go to the C:\Program Files\ folder and find the folder named InstallShield...
  19. enoonmai

    pc or console??????????

    First let the price of the PS3 be announced officially by Sony in Japan for n Yen. Ranges vary from the $300-$400 range to $500 for the console, according to speculations. What ever the price is, expect at least 1.5 times to 2 times the asking price in the grey market at the time of its launch.
  20. enoonmai

    pc or console??????????

    A PC is much more superior when it comes to games quality compared to a console, at least in the graphics department. However, no matter what PC you have it can go pretty obsolete in the lifetime of a console, which is about five years. So if you dont want to spend money to keep your PC in top...
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