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  1. H

    Unattended XP Problem

    Hello Friends... I'm having a strange problem and i'm not getting where i'm lacking, so plz help i've made multiboot dvd of vista and xp , the vista ran fine but xp had a problem of not having it's EULA file and thus setup refuses to go any further and quits......:confused: i've made the...
  2. H

    Multi-Boot DVD Of Vista and Win XP

    Thanx Clmlbx....... The thing worked perfectaly and finally a working bootable DVD was created..... (Tried And Tested working great) I'm happy for being here with good people...... Thanx again for Rply
  3. H

    Unattended Vista DVD

    Thnx For The Rply...... the thing told by cool_techie_tvm worked and thus thanks a lot for the solution.... but i wanted to know a lil details about wat the windows WAIK is all about and why it is so huge..........
  4. H

    Multi-Boot DVD Of Vista and Win XP

    Thanx For he Rply.... the link provided was very old and dosn't match the new config as some files are also missing ........(like .html ones and longhorn boot sector ' '.zip file) please provide me with different solution as i really want to know the trick......
  5. H

    Unattended Vista DVD

    Hello Friends.... Can any one tell me of how to have a customizable vista dvd i,ve used vlite for it but the sofware need WIM filter which is to be downloaded form windows site and is of around 1.3 gig :( big i don't have an internet connection for such download .... So anyone with other...
  6. H

    Multi-Boot DVD Of Vista and Win XP

    Hello Friends..... I wanna Create one "BOOTABLE" DVD with Both The OS(XP And Vista) In It Please If any One Can HELP Me Out in this......:( plz provide detailed steps of doing this Thanks In Advance.........
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