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  1. N

    has anybody got $$ from adsense of google?

    though im no expert on Google adsense ... my friend earn 500 $ + /mon and its growing here are a few tricks .... - Get ur content right ( people come for orignal content .... something only availible on ur site ) - Certain type of content pays more ... u must be knowing ( Gambling ...
  2. N

    Home Automation

    Check this ... Simple Voice controlled room . *
  3. N

    Do i stand chance ? GNU GPL voilation

    thanx guys , Ill see how it goes :)
  4. N

    Do i stand chance ? GNU GPL voilation

    Hi all Im an OSS developer . I have a query to all you guys . Nearly all my projects a licensed under the GNU GPL but some times some poeple simply change the credits and logos ( Anti GPL ) and start selling them under there own name . This has happened a lot to me . So guys can i do...
  5. N

    mysql attack, prevention

    hmm Try this I made this as someone had reported XSS vurnebilities in my S/w . This will strip everything and will not also allow incorrect entries though the forms ( more of a quick fix ) . Youll have to decode appropiately while displaying . <?php /*This will strip html from every...
  6. N

    Only open - source indian CMS

    hmm limbo v1.0.3 has blogs too :) If you have any douths let me know though this forum ...
  7. N

    Only open - source indian CMS

    Stripped ??? Well Its not a stripped down version of mambo .. its a mambo inspired CMS .... Its written from scratch only 5 % code is from mambo ( compatibitly resons ) . I wrote it because nothing like it exists ( its the most featured CMS capable of running from text files ) . The...
  8. N

    Only open - source indian CMS

    well Now were talking something on the same lines :) . by that i meant developers ... india does have a good gpl users community but not much developers ( reasons cited by you ) . About localization i would be happy to make limbo in hindi ( but look at google in hindi and it puts a smile...
  9. N

    Only open - source indian CMS

    hmm Hmm .... What can i say nice post :) . Only thing helpfull is that i reached linux-delhi website . The post did not help me or convince me any other way . BTW i knew about most of the things ... I ve already gone though most of sarovar projects . I do not want to involve in...
  10. N

    Only open - source indian CMS

    well I dont see much GPL community in india , only GPL users :( Any way i would like you to visit * yep we now have our own site ( thanks to my german friend ) and thanks to support from someone in netherlands :? Seems like indian are only intrested in...
  11. N

    Only open - source indian CMS

    Hi well I think you did not read it completely :) ... u missed MySQL .
  12. N

    Only open - source indian CMS

    Hi all Im currently working on an open source Mambo inspired CMS :) called Limbo it runs on the LAMP platform . Would like you to have a look and give suggestiosn and ideas . Download from : * Demo at : * Here is the...
  13. N

    how to trap keyword

    well Let see i once built one ( yes i did that ) anyway it will only work with Win9x series did not have time to update the thing .. Buy the way you will rarely find keylogger which are good and FREE ...
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