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  1. T

    Asus maximumz gene-z display flickering problem

    Received new M/B after a long time gap,with my above config it works fine.Soon i get upload my rig with snaps....
  2. T

    Asus maximumz gene-z display flickering problem

    As Tenida said i tried install pcie GPU it words good,there is no problem with display flicker.After i desired might be either on-board graphic or will be the hdmi slot issue as d6bmg said.So i had send M/B to my retailer prime abgb and they received it on 17th Sep,and they submitted to rashi...
  3. T

    Asus maximumz gene-z display flickering problem

    My pc spec, ASUS MAXIMUMUS IV GENE-Z INTEL I7 2600K 3.3GHZ GSKILL 4GBX2 2133 GHZ RAM SEAGATE HDD 2TB GLACIAL TECH 950WATTS NOTUA D14 COOLER LG E2290 LED MONITOR Assembled 2weeks before,from day1 to now i got problem display flickering.Display comes 2sec and vanish,even less or long time...
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