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  1. G

    Programming and Technology related newletters

    Hope this is the right place to post :wink: I've subscribed to the CodeProject news letters and am absolutely loving it :smile: The articles in it keep me abreast with the latest programming languages and techniques. If any one else knows any other similar News Letters please point me there...
  2. G

    Dell or Hp laptop within 45K-50K

    My friend wants to buy a dell or hp laptop within 45K-50k range. He wants to use it for some gaming. So kindly suggest me a laptop configuration.
  3. G

    Career in Computer Security.

    I'm doing BE Info.Science 3rd year.I'm interested doing a course on computer forensic/security.Is there any such course that I could do. Please help me.
  4. G

    Problem installing ubuntu 8.10

    I wanted to install ubuntu 8.10 for my friend, after installation the login screen appears after logging in the system restarts just before the title bar appears. On booting in failsafe gnome the bars loaded after that whenever I click on any icons like firefox the system restarts. System...
  5. G

    Problem with system() function in C

    I want to run a program that has to rename a folder H:\gk1\gk1 to gk2 When I run that command using system("move H:\gk1\gk1 gk2"); it reports an error that "Bad command or file name" . I even tried the rename command it give "Invalid path or filename" The specified folder exists and no other...
  6. G

    Problem with lan

    I have 7 computers all have win xp are connected to a hub and all of them are connected to the internet through this hub. We use this connection as a lan.6 computers are able to view each other but one comp is not able to connect to the lan though it is able to connect to the internet. I tried...
  7. G

    Grub problem

    My friend has a laptop with vista and fedora 8 installed. Recently he reinstalled vista. When trying to reinstall grub through the rescue mode using >chroot /mnt/sysimage >grub-install /dev/sda he got a message "error reading stage1" Please help me in reinstalling grub.
  8. G

    Triple boot

    My friend has XP & ubuntu installed on his system but he wants to have fedora along with these two.How to do it? He has enough free space on a different partition. :confused:
  9. G

    downloading library sources

    Hi:)' I am new to linux.. I have ubuntu installed system .I require many libraries which are not in the standard release. I want to download those libraries and install them ,I don't have an internet connection:(. How to download the sources of these libraries at once. Please help.
  10. G

    problem with xp and fedora(linux)

    I have a comp. The configuration is as follows Intel core2duo Intel 945 chip set motherboard I have a dual boot system with Xp and Fedora9 The problem is that in Xp whenever I try to boot it boots ,showing the boot screen and the display goes blank.I tried even in safe mode,vga mode...
  11. G

    problem installing fedora,ubuntu

    Hi friends.. I'm not able to install UBUNTU 64 bit and FEDORA 7 on my "AMD athlon x2 64 4200+" and motherboard "ASUS M2N8-VMX" i m new to linux world......plz help me out...........while installing following msg comes ..MP-BIOS BUG:8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC ...trying to set up...
  12. G

    hardware compatible with linux

    My friend has the following configuration processor AMD athlon 64 X2 motherboard asus M2N8-VMX nVidia based he has problem in installing linux[fedora,ubuntu] with acpi enabled he gets an error message we tried with acpi disabled then we were able to work with linux. Is this the problem...
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