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    DOS Bootable USB

    I want to boot into my P4 system using a USB drive so that I can execute my DOS programms on it. SO if someone has any idea please help me out....
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    How to store n number of strings in an with unknown size

    use teh following code fragment using malloc to take inout of strings using dynamic memory allocation. include necessary header files. main() { int i=-1; char *a,ch; a=(char*)(malloc(a,1*sizeof(char)); printf("Enter the string"); do{ ch=getchar(); i++...
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    VB 6 Query

    The best way to handle Oracle and VB Database Connection is to Use ADODC and not ADODB if you have to use ADODB then copy and paste the ADODC code that is automatically generated by VB (incase your assignment reques it)
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