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  1. O

    Why You are There At Digit Chatroom(IRC)????

    Konversation and Pidgin both rocks!!!
  2. O

    Fight against PHPBB hackers

    Most of the web hosting providers have PHP compiled as apache module ( for example if you have php 4.x installed). In this case PHP scripts are executed as nobody or apache user. It makes it very hard to find which user on the server running the script which might have been injected by...
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    Fight against PHPBB hackers

    PHPBB is one of the widely used bulletin board by OpenSource community. Its not required to have programming knowledge to install this tool and can be easily adopted by newbies. But we end up facing security issues once these bulletin boards become popular (at least due to search engine bots)...
  4. O

    Boot Screen and Im?

    To change the boot image you got to play around with USpalsh Follow the steps given in the following link : * You may not find the files in the same location as they have been changing the implementation of Uspalsh in all...
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