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  1. F

    dell inspiron extended warranty worth 11k?

    I would advise against it. In two years at most you will need to change your battery and your dvd drive will be cooked. Nowadays there is hardly any use of the later (except for digit dvds) and former is much cheaper than 11k even you can cover your later problem too within that 11k.
  2. F

    Debates about the Economy, Politics, Religion, and everything under the sun

    Religion is not "evil". Evil is such a meaningless word anyways and I am saying this as an atheist.
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    Debates about the Economy, Politics, Religion, and everything under the sun

    No government is "against" any scientific development. Promising such things as an opposition party is much more easier than actually delivering it considering the actual scientific and other hindrance. For example : Thorium (largest reserve is in India) as an alternative to Uranium has...
  4. F

    Modi is BJP’s PM candidate 2014

    Oh, so same neoliberal policies added with more hatred towards minorities and less tolerance everywhere. Exciting times.
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    Debates about the Economy, Politics, Religion, and everything under the sun

    as per the poll question, obviously no single party is going to win the 2014 poll. And from analysis BJP won't get in power simply because they don't have many allies (last time they formed government they had more than 20, right now just 2). My prediction is a hung up assembly and a rag tag...
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    World Movies Thread

    Soviet Cinema is/was the best. Science Fiction : 1. Stalker 2. Solaris (not the George clooney one) WW2 3. The Ascent 4. Liberation 5. The dawns here are quiet 6. Come and See Drama 7. The cranes here are flying. 8. The mirror. Historical 9. Andrei Rubilav 10 Dr...
  7. F

    None of the links given in September 2013 issue is working

    Hi, I am pretty sure this is a wrong sub forum but I had no choice. I couldn't start a thread in QnA section neither in "Interact" section. Anyways I have september 2013 issue (which I bought on 30th of September) and none of the links given in the magazines are working. Any tips/help?
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