Recent content by wirelessraj

  1. wirelessraj

    Dell E228WFP or Dell UltraSharp 2208WFP?

    The price quoted by Croma on the LG 22" is correct - LINK The LG monitor do uses TN panel but by looking at all the good review it has got (Pro as well as the user reviews on sites like I feel its better than the Dell monitor that too at this price!!!
  2. wirelessraj

    Dell E228WFP or Dell UltraSharp 2208WFP?

    I would strongly recommend for LG L226WTQ. LG has got 2 MS of response time, which is very important for gaming!!! About Dell entry level monitors read this: LG L226WTQ has got viewing angle of 170° against Dell's 160°!!! The best part is this LG monitor costs Rs.12990 (inclusive of all...
  3. wirelessraj

    Do you think Game Prices in India are HIGH?

    …wonder why there are no PC titles Robert Bowling, the Community Relations Manager at Infinity Ward, was commenting in his blog that Infinity Ward pulled some numbers over the past week and they were shocked at the number of PC Call Of Duty 4 players that were playing the multiplayer version...
  4. wirelessraj

    Digit Forum's Xbox\360 Thread

    If u r into Rock music, then u can go for Guitar Hero 3 (its bit costly though)!!!
  5. wirelessraj

    Hyderabad vs Bangalore

    Dude, this not about Hydrabadis Vs. Bangaloreans!!! We are just discussing which is a better place to live in!!!
  6. wirelessraj

    Hyderabad vs Bangalore

    Bangalore Rocks!!! Most of the international rock concerts happens in Bangalore!!! Its almost all concerts, including the upcoming Megadeth concert in March!!! But the traffic & the crowd at the malls sucks nowadays!!!
  7. wirelessraj

    Digit Forum's Xbox\360 Thread

    Xbox 360 Networking FAQ *
  8. wirelessraj

    Digit Forum's Xbox\360 Thread

    I have Forza Motorsport 2, PGR 4, Gears Of War!!! I also have access to the games library at work also (I work at a game development co.) Since u r entering Console gaming, u should join this amazing Indian console gaming forum called
  9. wirelessraj

    Digit Forum's Xbox\360 Thread

    Dont worry about the money, Arshad (Glasgow guy) is really a nice guy & Thanks for the info on Guitar Hero!!!
  10. wirelessraj

    Digit Forum's Xbox\360 Thread

    Dude, the guy from Glasgow is a nice guy, talk to him nicely & i think he should agree for the 3K advance. I didnt pay any advance when I booked my Xbox 360 Halo Edition from him although initially he was asking for a advance of 5K. Dude, can u please ask him (the glasgow guy) when exactly...
  11. wirelessraj

    Asus P5k-c or XFX 680i LT?

    U might want to consider ABit IP35 Pro, very good for overclocking!!!
  12. wirelessraj

    Digit Forum's Xbox\360 Thread

    Which dealer??
  13. wirelessraj

    Digit Forum's Xbox\360 Thread

    1>please give me the details of a good dealer Glasgow Computers - Below Planet M at Brigade Road. This guy will give u a good deal on the console also he offers all games at 10% discount on MRP. 2>this is my first console ever this may sound stupid.. since i don have a ups back.. will it...
  14. wirelessraj

    Gaming in Bangalore + Presentation

    You can order your games online from Play Asia Its a Hong Kong based online shopping site, which ships games to India for free. They also sell consoles accessories which are cheaper than what is available in India (all these with free shipping)
  15. wirelessraj

    Do you think Game Prices in India are HIGH?

    I would completely agree with drgrudge!!! Games here are cheaper than the western countries. Games like Halo 3 or Bioshock sells for $59 in US (XBox 360 games) but here they are all for Rs. 1895. this is the MRP retailers always give discount on this price, i buy my XBox 360 games for around...
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