Recent content by VJ_Lunar

  1. VJ_Lunar

    Skoar Forums hacked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As far as I know: Max Payne, StarLancer, and Heart of Darkness are available in Issue #13 DVDs, but I'm sure there are maybe two or three more that people have missed (ROMs for older game systems still count!). On another related note, the SKOAR forums are finally back up - but the posts from...
  2. VJ_Lunar

    GTA Heaven

    Re: Grand Theft Auto Discussion Well, get used to it! The financial success of the GTA series as of late have been entirely based on how well the console versions do. The PC crowd gets the least amount of treatment, but you should at least be happy that the modding scene will make things...
  3. VJ_Lunar

    GTA Heaven

    Re: Grand Theft Auto Discussion That was almost clever enough for me to laugh. But I didn't. :)
  4. VJ_Lunar

    C&C3: Tiberium Wars IGN review

    An 8.5 is still pretty good, well above average. Gamespot gave a 9.0 and gave it a 9. Overall score average is 86% Anyway, the score itself should be the last thing you should care about it. It's a bloody numerical. If the game is fun to you, who gives a frag if it...
  5. VJ_Lunar

    Days of Console Gaming Numbered?

    Your pm box is full, mate! Might wanna delete some messages. Also, did you send something just now? Last message I recieved from you was 12th of March. Did I miss something? :confused:
  6. VJ_Lunar

    The awaited max payne 3 trailer

    Fixed. :) Edit: Oh, thanks Vimal :D
  7. VJ_Lunar

    The awaited max payne 3 trailer

    "Stupid" is the right word. Anyway. Remedy Entertainment is already too busy with Alan Wake, and it's been years since any Max Payne game-related news have popped up. If you're looking for a similar fix, better wait for Stranglehold: *
  8. VJ_Lunar

    Days of Console Gaming Numbered?

    David Ferrigno makes some good points, but I really disagree with the major ones. "A brand-new well-equipped PC able to play the hottest games is now about twice the price of a game console AND not only plays, but organizes and stores massive amounts of games and other media including photos...
  9. VJ_Lunar

    Don't make "Shooty-Bang-Bang" Games about our Country, geez!

    "Activists call on religious leaders to join petition asking U2 frontman to stop release of Pandemic's sandbox shooter set in Venezuela." What was Pandemic's response? According to Josh Resnick: Source: Gamespot On another similar note - Mexican Mayor of Juárez, Héctor Murguáa Lardizába...
  10. VJ_Lunar

    PS3 Indian Launch Date, Price Revealed

    Um, consoles are awesome. WTF are you talking about? :D
  11. VJ_Lunar

    GK3-the borring game..

    Yeah, GK3 is like the weakest entry of the entire series. Sins of the Fathers and The Beast Within were much better recieved by critics.
  12. VJ_Lunar

    Oblivion Is Finally Available for the PS3

    What's wrong with 8/10? :(
  13. VJ_Lunar

    Devil May Cry 4 Coming To PC and Xbox 360

    Don't forget that Sony has their own first and second-party exclusives line-up. Warhawk, Gran Turismo 5, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank 4, Lair, Killzone 2, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and not to mention the next God of War and Team ICO games are still on-board.
  14. VJ_Lunar

    PS3 Indian Launch Date, Price Revealed

    My mistake, I was hearing otherwise. Thanks for the correction. :) Define "better", please. allwyndlima: At least a price drop is forthcoming for the 360 Premium and Core packs, partly due to the announcement of the Special Black model (coupled with HDMI and a 120GB HDD). Despite how...
  15. VJ_Lunar

    Suggestion needed: MoH type game

    If you want something now, I suggest Call of Duty 2 (the third game is still console exclusive) and either of the Brothers In Arms titles (though BiA is more tactical than your average WWII-FPS game). If you're waiting for the next MOH (ie Medal of Honor: Airborne) or BiA titles (ie, Brothers...
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