Badges awarded to tamatarpakoda

Laptop expert

Knows everything about laptops

PC build expert

Members who have contributed to helping members with their PC build queries.

Mobile guru

For members who are knowledgeable in mobiles and who help members with buying advice for cellphones.

App expert

For members most knowledgeable in mobile app ecosystem and can suggest apps for any use cases.

Gaming enthusiast

For members most active in gaming discussions.

Audio guru

For members who are known to be knowledgeable in regards to audio equipment, headphones, IEMs, etc

Career counsellor

For members who give career advice.

Camera expert

For members knowledgeable in cameras.

Coding enthusiast

For members knowledgeable in programming.


Camera enthusiast


Can recognise movies from their IMDB code


Voracious reader

Keyboard warrior

Uses a mechanical keyboard and prefers shortcuts over the mouse


Listens to sound more than the music

Networking expert

Connecting machines, not people


Supports open source software

Power Supply Expert

The starting point of every good rig
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