Recent content by sauravgr8

  1. sauravgr8

    [Windows XP] FreQuently AsKed ProBlems WITH SoluTions...

    Re: MUST READ: FreQuently AsKed ProBlems WITH SoluTions... woo, i am gonna save this thread to my favourites for future reference.
  2. sauravgr8

    Dell to be available in retail stores in India

    Great to here we dont have to bear the burden of shipping charge on dell desktop or laptop
  3. sauravgr8

    M$ is lible to pay tax on Royalty in india....

    well i dont think its something april fool stuff, as even i have heared of it .....lets gather some more information about it and find out the truth
  4. sauravgr8

    How to remove uninstalled file & folder from C:\Program Files

    Hey it worked...Yippiii !! thanx a lot.....:p
  5. sauravgr8

    How to remove uninstalled file & folder from C:\Program Files

    I have tried DAP file shredder but as soon as i drag the folder in to the file shredder a msg appears saying that " needs authorization for access" . Isn`t there any other way out to this problem?
  6. sauravgr8

    How to remove uninstalled file & folder from C:\Program Files

    Very often when i uninstall some software from my PC, then even after it is completely ininstalled, some of its file and folders are still intact in C:\Program Files. These files and folders dont get delete manually. Can any one plz let me know how to delete these unwanted files from C:\Program...
  7. sauravgr8

    Tatas' Rs 1 lakh car at Auto Expo 2008

    How about the spear parts?? is it repairable in the indian market....
  8. sauravgr8

    Unable to run graphics program in C..

    #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:/TC/BIN"); setbkcolor(RED); getch(); } this is the program i typed in and saved with .c extension now when i compile it shows success but wheni i run it gives an error...
  9. sauravgr8

    Unable to run graphics program in C..

    Sorry , it was just a typing mistake here, but in the borland C i did the way u said ...but still it was not working , i tried all the remedies, even gave the path within that inverted commas, but still its not working...what should i do know...
  10. sauravgr8

    Unable to run graphics program in C..

    I am already using CPP extension , even though its not working:( I tried doing this friend, i left rest of the option as intact, and just removed the cross from graphics library as u said, but still the problem persists:-?
  11. sauravgr8

    Post your C/C++ Programs Here

    Re: Post ur C/C++ Programs Here I am unable to run even a simplest graphics program in C, even though when i compile the program it shows success but when i run it , it gives the error that the BGI error: graphics not initialized... I dont know where is the problem...can any one help plz...
  12. sauravgr8

    Unable to run graphics program in C..

    ^^^^ yah its borland compiler, well , now can u suggest me any clue, why its not running...
  13. sauravgr8

    Unable to run graphics program in C..

    I am unable to run even a simplest graphics program in C, even though when i compile the program it shows success but when i run it , it gives the error that the BGI error: graphics not initialized... I dont know where is the problem...can any one help plz #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h>...
  14. sauravgr8

    Bank of India site hijacked

    well , i guess its any one among u ppl only who has hijacked that site!! isn`t it ppl??
  15. sauravgr8

    Seagate Announced Fastest Cheetah 15K.6 Drive

    Is this kind of server has a setup anywhere in india??
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