Recent content by rishisab

  1. R

    Please suggest a 40 inch tv which costs less than 40K

    Thanks a lot for sharing your experience bro. Actually, i am confused between LG42LB5510 and Videocon Mirage Plus 40 inches. There is a difference of 12K rupees, plus Videocon is offering 3 years warranty (which is the deal maker). Videocon doesn't look attractive (physically), but its picture...
  2. R

    Please suggest a 40 inch tv which costs less than 40K

    Dude, from where did you get the 5 year warranty? FK or the local store? The local store here is providing nly 3 years warranty. Please help me out here.. Also, please share your review of the TV. How is the picture quality with both HD and SD channels? Also, does the USB port support all...
  3. R

    Sony 42W900B vs LG 42LB6500

    Then i guess i will go with Sony (can't get wrong with a Sony, right :) )
  4. R

    Sony 42W900B vs LG 42LB6500

    watched both the models side by side (w900b and lb6700) at ezoneonline.. and i was so confused that i couldn't take the decision and it was the last day today (of the ezone offer) :P Anyways, the picture quality of both the TVs is almost similar.. They were running their own demo content (as...
  5. R

    Sony 42W900B vs LG 42LB6500

    Allright, then i am finally going with Sony 42W900B.. I hope it plays MKV and MP4 formats using HDD? If Sony does that well, i am not thinking twice before purchasing it.
  6. R

    Sony 42W900B vs LG 42LB6500

    First of all, thank you so much for your views guys! It means a lot.. but the confusion, unfortunately, has increased manifold. I am getting Sony 42W900b at 75K plus a BluRay Player plus 2 3D glasses (passive) and One Flick Remote... Now, the thing is (according to your views) that the...
  7. R

    Is it okay to use traffup for free twitter followers?

    No, it didn't ask for my password.. or didn't ask for any permission to post anything.. so far, things are really good.. i've had a few interactions with my followers (on twitter especially).. Neither my account nor its information has been compromised, so its good at that stage. I mean is it...
  8. R

    Is it okay to use traffup for free twitter followers?

    I have been using this site 'traffup' for free twitter followers and facebook page likes for the social media promotion of my blog. I am getting good amount of followers and page likes, but i would want to know if it is too good to be true? Whats the catch?
  9. R

    Sony 42W900B vs LG 42LB6500

    Guys, i want to get a 42inch Full HD LED Smart TV with passive 3d (thats why i skipped Samsung 40F6400) technology. I have zeroed down on the above 2 models, and now on comparing the respective features of both, i am really confused about which one to go for.. Sony 42W900B is available at...
  10. R

    Best 32 inch Full HD Smart LED TV

    I have never felt so frustrated before purchasing something. Minion can be true about the Philips picture quality. I saw one of Philips model somewhere. It was bulky, but the picture quality was good. But, when i am spending 40k-50k on a thing that is going to last atleast a few years, i...
  11. R

    [Urgent] Need a 32" Full HD LED TV for 55k

    How are you finding it?
  12. R

    Samsung 32F6400 or Sony 32W670a

    actually, i have the same query (confusion between F6400 and W670a). So, which one did you buy? and are you loving it?
  13. R

    [Urgent] Need a 32" Full HD LED TV for 55k

    I have heard a lot of things about Panasonic not updating its firmware and letting its user taste dust (as far as the smart TV features are concerned). I also looked at LG Smart TV (with 3D) but heard a lot of bad reviews about the picture quality. Philips. It may give you a good quality...
  14. R

    Best 32 inch Full HD Smart LED TV

    I posted my reply earlier, but i guess it has been approved yet. I am more inclined towards SONY as it has a better picture quality and looks than SAMSUNG. However, i hate its Smart Entertainment panel. Plus, can someone really tell me if it plays all the movie formats? Its really important...
  15. R

    Best 32 inch Full HD Smart LED TV

    Thank you for your answer. Finally, somebody answered my query. The thing is that my brother and father have told me to go for either Samsung or Sony. They won't agree on Philips. However, i must say one thing. Sony's picture quality is far better than Samsung's. But i am still not sure if...
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