Recent content by ravekanth

  1. R

    Hyper threading

    Unless ur gonna do some serious gaming n stuff...u'll hardly find any difference between the 64 n a HT..... However... I've seen HT's multi task better.... n software nowadys come optimised for HT's as its an industry standard.......
  2. R

    some HDD and RAM questions.....

    can a SATA drive be installed with a PATA drive? It can be installed?? but the SATA drive becomes the primary master.... you have to install ur OS on the SATA drive... As from RAM's Hynix RAM's are quite fact even Kigstom uses Hynix RAM modules in their value models...Though...
  3. R

    LAN suggetion needed

    & here in Kolkata my hardware vendor is asking me Rs.12/m of Daylight Robbery The dealer's tryin to swindle u dude... I think u'll get that for around 9.5-10 a meter... maybe less...this is the rate i got at a remote town in the North-East[/b]
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